Hundefotograf Luzern

Samba - Our dog model in January

The application of Margrith with her dog Samba has touched me deeply and I was immediately clear that I invite the two in my photo studio.

Margrith described to me in a very touching way how Samba and she found together and the love between man and dog was palpable in the air.


The little dog Samba originally comes from southern Italy, from Puglia. She was spotted there, scared, starving and apparently with puppies. On further observation five small dogs were sighted as her offspring, no one knows if these were all puppies or if there were originally more.

Unfortunately it took a week for the frightened bitch to be rescued. Four of the remaining puppies unfortunately died of starvation during this time so that there were only Samba and one of her puppies left.

Samba then came with her pooch to a private shelter where it was determined that samba was a very young dog mother. Samba did not get rid of her fearfulness even in the shelter and she would have preferred to make herself invisible.

Samba was always a lovely dog, but she just didn’t dare to open up and was the shy, fragile dog with the sad eyes?

But after more than two years in the shelter, she was finally ready, through the loving care, she gathered all her courage and became more confident.
It was finally about who should get a new home…. Samba was ready for the trip to Switzerland.

The family in Switzerland who would like to adopt the little dog was quickly found, she was still very petite but healthy and so she could leave.
She was picked up personally with three other dogs for the long journey to Switzerland.

After two days the little dog found her way to a nice family with two school-age children.


At this time Margrith and her partner came into the picture.
She had been looking for her dog for a long time. But it had never fit because of her job and the lifestyle what she led.
But now the time had come and everything fit….

All that was missing now was the right, calm, loving dog that was not too big and not too small.

But despite thousands of dogs looking for a new home, this did not seem to be easy at all.
All these dogs… All the organizations, shelters and of course the internet was full of dogs…. but where was the right one?

The following lines are the original text from Margrith:

I was about to give up when I saw SAMBA ❣️.
There was a detailed and with much effort written description to her.

And I knew exactly this is her!!!

I called and found out that she had moved in with the new fam. that day…. (as described above).

I had a long conversation with the nice woman who has been a close friend of the Puglia shelter for years.
She was going to start looking for a suitable dog for me.

When the conversation ended, I told her to get in touch with me if it didn’t work out with Samba at the family.
Sad and disappointed I wanted to give up the search.

A week later the phone rang and the nice woman asked me if Samba still had a chance with me?

What a question!
Of course she had!

Samba was overwhelmed by the new world and everyone wanted something from her, especially the children wanted to play and pet her….
Samba doubted her courage and hid behind the sofa and wanted to be invisible again….

I am very grateful to the family that they noticed that Samba is too much!

And so she soon moved in with us….

It was sooo unbelievable and it was just perfect…


You can get your copy in the Best Buddy Shop