Wie ich meinen Hund gefunden habe

Lia- From street dog to assistance dog

Lia found her way to her new family through SOS Strassenhunde and was named Dana by that time. .

DANA – SOS Street Dogs

In the context of the calendar project I was able to donate 1/3 of 1050 CHF for the dogs and hopefully help a little.

From Janine I got a touching story how she and Lia found together and I decided to reproduce it 1:1.

So here is the story of Janine, her husband and Lia:

Hundefoto Schweiz

While looking for a suitable dog we came across an ad from Lia’s brother. Yes exactly, „actually“ we did not want to look at Lia.

My husband wanted to look at Lia’s brother, he had more „jööö effect“ on the photos on the internet. I wanted to visit another bitch on another foster home.

So we made an appointment for both dogs and drove to Diemtigtal to meet Lia’s brother first. A lovely woman was waiting for us who opened the door after we got to know each other.

First Lia came running and greeted us with great joy. The woman said: „Lia you don’t have to come, because of you no one ever comes“…… Ok, that hurt my heart a little bit.

So, we went to the spacious garden and watched the dogs (she had Lia and her brother in care and four dogs of her own) playing. Yes, all except Lia. She made herself comfortable next to us in the meadow and after only 5 minutes (!) held her belly out to us for a cuddle.

We were there for 2 hours and Lia never left our side.

Lia’s brother? Yes, we also saw him and were allowed to pet him. But he was more interested in his playmates. After two hours we said goodbye and went to the second dog. Also this dog greeted us briefly but then showed no further interest…. Already on the way home it was clear for us which dog we would like to take into our family. Lia took our hearts by storm with her loving and cheerful nature. We applied at the association SOS-Strassenhunde for Lia and got the ok for the adoption.

We were so happy when Lia moved in with us on July 1, 2017!

She got along very well from the beginning with our two Büsi (both also from the shelter) and took them under her protection. She settled in very well with us and after a year I started the training with her to become my assistance dog at the association Assistenzhundezentrum Schweiz and on January 30, 2020 we were allowed to pass our exam with flying colors.

Lia is for us the BEST dog there is.

She is with her funny, loving and cuddly nature the great family and working dog for us. She does her job as an assistance dog as if she was born for it. Did she probably already know at our visit in 2017 how valuable she will be for us one day!

From street dog to assistance dog, what a climb, and it is exactly her destiny!



The calendar is available here : Best Buddy Shop

Coole Hundefotos Schweiz